Cancel FLO Trial

How do I cancel my Food Lovers Online trial?

We’re sorry to hear that the online program was not to your liking.  Was there something specific about the program that you did not like?  We always look forward to receiving feedback regarding the program as it will help us improve the program itself and ensure that it is a great weight loss companion for customers such as yourself. 

We would like to remind you that your trial has a 14 day window.  If you still have days left in that window we would love it if you continued using the program for the remainder of your trial.  Support will always be available to you and it is our commitment to help you achieve the weight loss goal that you've set for yourself!

However, if you’re certain that you want to cancel your Food Lovers Online trial, we’ll definitely respect your wishes and cancel your enrollment immediately.  All you have to do is to submit a new ticket by using the button on the left side of this page We hate to see you go and hope that you change your mind.  Thank you, and have a great day!

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