Why are certain features or website pages not working?
When this happens it is typically an issue with the device or browser. You will want to make sure that you are not accessing the site on a mobile device as certain features will not work properly. If you are on a desktop or laptop computer, you will want to make sure that the browser you are using is up to date or use a different browser instead. Our site is constantly receiving frequent updates [...]
For some reason the app is saying that 100%whole wheat bread (Healthy Life) is a slow carb. I thought bread was a fast carb. The charts say that it is.
In this case, the reason will be by result of nutritional data. While the chart(s) will generally specify a food item the app/website will utilize an online database which is constantly being updated. From time to time a specific food item can cross the line from fast carb to slow carb as would be the case of your inquiry. I would only classify that particular brand of item as a slow carb and any [...]
The time I want is grey, how come?
You're asking about the times in your Eating Journal that are greyed out. Recently, we launched some changes and fixes to the Eating Journal section of Food Lovers Online. The change you're referring to, was a feature which greys out times to prevent users from choosing them. This change was made in an effort to prevent errors to the Eating Journal that were causing some journals to be unusable. [...]
I would like to cancel my Food Lovers Online enrollment.
In order to discuss billing or the cancellation of your enrollment or any physical order, you will have to contact our Customer Service Team. Please contact our support team by clicking the "Submit new ticket" button on the left side of this page. You will need to provide the name and email used for the [...]
The time I want to adjust my wake/meal time is gray, why can't I select it?
You're asking about the times in your Eating Journal that are greyed out. About 10 days ago we launched some changes and fixes to the Eating Journal section of Food Lovers Online. You'll notice that you can now choose your times in 15 minute intervals. You also have a "recipes" tab in the screen where you search for foods for your meals and snacks. Another change, which is the one you're [...]